7×7 Link Award

I have to say that I like receiving blogging awards!  It provides a little break from writing about traveling (not that I actually need one).  But this is a fun award and I’ll give it a try…  I was nominated for this award by Cloud of Lace, a lovely new blog that I have enjoyed following.  It covers topics like food and fashion, so be sure to have a look for yourself!

For the 7×7 Link Award, the recipient must provide links to their own posts within the following 7 categories and then pass the award on to 7 bloggers.


The seven posts:

 And here are the seven nominees:

  1. Lorna’s Tearoom Delights
  2. Darlene Foster’s Blog
  3. Francine in Retirement
  4. restlessjo
  5. Marcia Clarke-La Chica Writes
  6. Teresa Blackburn’s “Food on Fifth” Blog
  7. photos from the loonybin

If you have received this award or don’t care to pass it on, that’s fine.  I just wanted to recognize your blogs anyway!

I’ll notify you soon, and enjoy your award!  Meg

26 thoughts on “7×7 Link Award

  1. CONGRATULATIONS on your 7X7 Link Award. I enjoy reading your blog and I am honored and thankful that you have listed my blog and nominated me to also recieve this award. I hope to follow up on the guidelines listed in the next few days.



  2. Thank you very much Meg! I was so surprised, I was just reading your post, working my way through all the blogs I like to read over breakfast, when I saw my blog’s name pop up on the screen. Jolly decent of you, you’ve made my day! :)


  3. Thanks Meg- more fun! I’ve been to zumba this morning and was actually sitting in the garden (shock! horror!) in my very sheltered pergola for the first time this year. Yippee! The sun’s moved round too far now so I’ve come in to receiving this- brilliant.
    Be nice to check out some of the other blogs- that’s the good bit. I’ve just been re-organising mine and adding pages so at least I can remember what’s in there. Congrats to you too. Yours is a lovely blog.


  4. Well I am thrilled as I can be. I so love your blog and all your fab travel stories and photos. I am honored to be chosen by you and 7 X 7 will be my next blog! Thanks so much again and for stopping by to read my little blog.


  5. Hi Meg, congratulations on receiving the 7 x 7 Award, and many thanks for nominating me as well.
    You are right, it is really fun to be on the receiving end of these awards, even when they make you think a lot. I’ll get on with my assignment ASAP.
    I really enjoy reading your travel posts, as this is how Iget fulfill some of my bucket list wishes. LOL


  6. You must think I’m terrible that I haven’t done anything regarding your nomination of my blog for this award. I just wanted you to know that I do really appreciate it and haven’t forgotten. Right now I am dealing with my son who just had a tonsillectomy, but I will get to it eventually, I promise. Thanks again.


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