Flowers are Everywhere

I am happy to say that I’ve seen lots of flowers this year and they are a welcome sight.  It started in January when I was in Seattle.  Although it was winter there were buckets of flowers at Pike Place Market.  In late April I took a walk in the Great Smoky Mountains in Tennessee in time to see some dainty wildflowers growing along the trail.  Next I saw cheerful flowers in Barcelona followed by late spring blooms in Paris.  And just recently I was in Maine.  Even though flowers differ by season and climate they are always beautiful.

A colorful flower display in Maine:


39 thoughts on “Flowers are Everywhere

  1. I’ve just come to this from Tricia Mitchell’s post on Claude Monet in Giverny, so my evening has been full of flowers. I tweeted Tricia’s so I guess you deserve no less, Meg :)


  2. Love all your beautiful flower photos. Window boxes in Maine, actually all over New England are a source of pride. Many towns have contests to see which business on the local main street has the prettiest window boxes.


  3. You really have had some wonderful traveling this year. Coast to coast, and internationally! It would be very interesting for me to notice the different flowering cycles. Climates and the length of days and sunshine would really affect what blooms best and when, but you’re right, each and every bloom is perfect. I could never seriously consider having a favorite flower. Each time I notice a particularly pretty flower or a bright color I decide “that” is my favorite. :-)


  4. I just love the flowers at Pike Place Market anytime of the year. You took some great flower pictures everywhere you went. Tulips have always been and always will be my favourite!


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